5 Quick Ways to Open a Firing Blog Post

Opening a Firing ArticleWhich thing are important in your Blog?- Title post, Opening Paragraph and the Conclusion. In this article we are going to understand 5 Quick ways to open a firing blog post, which will make your readers float it across web. Opening paragraph is the second most important aspect of an attractive Blog post. And this is usually not well handled because we as author have habit of hiding things in the first paragraph to make reader go through it at the end of the post. But usually it never happens as readers now have habit to screen a post and if they find something useful they exit the article and exit. So if you are thinking as webmaster your thinking is wrong!!! think like a reader you will find huge improvement in readership and traffic. When you think like a reader the first thing that reader is looking for is the solution to the problem and he will for sure find it even if you keep the article as long as possible. But the long articles have a disadvantage that when people lose the concentration they will exit right away to either read the remaining porting later or to move out to some other article on same subject in a shorter version. So another myth which you can rip off is about the size of the article 500-1000-1500 words long is not the debate. The point of debate is are you giving solution to the readers? If you are able to give solution in lesser words you are saving time of reader and he will drop in a comment in the remaining time pf his concentration. For you here are the ways which can lead up to a firing post

1. Question & Answer

As I did in this article I asked you a question and just informed you the importance of the question. Based on the importance showed you the impact of not performing it has these many consequences. Opening your post with a question keeps reader thinking and builds interest in the topic. Question is a great tool of Engagement for readers to feel the connect with the topic.

2. Start with Joke or a Quote

Jokes are the best tools which makes the readers actually laugh and connect with the author and his advice in the post. Second thing which can make readers connected with is quote and this way the impact of the quote will be the foundation of your Post. Quotes and jokes pull attention of the readers and makes him read the post till the end.

3. Image Buildup

Imagination is the way where the readers feels the words and get your article popular so when you are using “Imagine this”, “Paint this Picture” or “Do you think” this will make readers think and imagine. And this thinking and imagination build wonders for your post, image buildup is the nice way to make readers reach imagination. And this imagination will lead to successful and firing post.

4. Simile, Analogy and Metaphor

Simile, Analogy and Metaphor are the best ways which can build a powerful post. When you are telling a story and want to brief your reader about it and hint on to make the post more pulling. This way in short you are actually making people understand what the article is going to talk about in the coming paragraphs.

5. Quote Shocking Statistics

When you want the reader’s attention from the heap of the contents in the search results. The title is pulling but is your opening paragraph equally pulling. The statistics are the way you are actually making the readers understand the impact of the questions raised in the post and the possible solution in this subject.

So here are the best ways to make quality opening paragraph against killer titles as and when you are making an article opening graph is the only differentiating factor in between readers and search engine. Write for your readers and keep them hooked up with your post to keep them stick to the point. Now what are your tips to build crowd puller opening paragraph share it with others and make the best of your effort in the article and the research work.





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